Still positive.. in more ways than one
So it turns out having Covid fairly mildly is a pretty good excuse to get things done. I don’t feel too bad, and I’m over almost all the symptoms now other than a persistent runny nose which I’m pretty used to anyway since that is usually a side effect of being out in the wind and cold for sunrise photography. The worst thing for me was a headache, followed by a slight temperature and a feeling generally of being fatigued. The boys have a horrible cough which is terrible at night, but so far, I’ve avoided that.
Funnily enough, I think I knew I had covid before testing and finding out that my boys had it from their mum. Last week in the Lake District I’d hiked a fell in the morning called Red Screes which sits at about 770m in altitude. The route i did started at an elevated point on the Kirkstone pass, so the true climb for me was about half of that, but it was a scramble and enough to get the heart rate up

Welcome to my Blog
Firstly, a very warm welcome to my blog. thank you for taking the time to check out this website and I hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far.
It’s been a very changeable last few months for me, going from a full time software sales leader working for one of the best and most rewarding companies to work for in the space, to needing to take some time out to focus on myself after nearly 22 years in the industry. One of the biggest challenges I struggled with in my career is balance… finding the right level of focus on the many different priorities that need attention outside of work. When you work for a very high performing company, be it software sales or any industry really, it takes the best version of you day in, day out giving your all. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved it and still do.. hard work can be fun and very rewarding when you are working for a cause you believe in. The easiest way to describe it is, I’ve been using my “battery” disproportionately, directing all the charge at certain areas of my life while others got little or none of that charge.